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Think of Consequences (Hermione)

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Think of Consequences (Hermione) - Page 2 Empty Re: Think of Consequences (Hermione)

Post by Hermione Potter Mon Nov 27, 2017 6:55 pm

Hermione allowed the younger girl to end the conversation, understanding her stance. She walked to the window and looked out on the city "I think its a wonderful idea." she said "It will take a little pushing to make the order accept it but i think it will work. Bill and Nymphadora are good at making the masses relent."

"is there a city square? somewhere centered and where lots of people can arrive at?"

Hermione Potter
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Think of Consequences (Hermione) - Page 2 Empty Re: Think of Consequences (Hermione)

Post by Sophia Gaunt Mon Nov 27, 2017 7:04 pm

“You are pretty much looking at it,” Sophia pointed towards a square near the bridge they came across to get to the palace. “It’s dark and empty now, but once people are in, it will look more alive. There are empty shops and pubs where people can entertain themselves for the time we will be here. There is even a library, so the kids can still study even when the school is not safe for them,” she explained. 

“Anyone can take any house in this quater. I wouldn’t venture anyway further. This place can be as dangerous as it is beautiful. And this part alone can house couple hundred people,” she said staring from her small balcony. “You can get a little house for yourself and Albus. Or you can stay here in the palace with us, since we are a family. Albus could hang out with nymeria and Harry. But keep in mind who we are. You might just be happy with occasional family dinner instead,” she winked at her sister in law.

Sophia Gaunt
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Think of Consequences (Hermione) - Page 2 Empty Re: Think of Consequences (Hermione)

Post by Hermione Potter Mon Nov 27, 2017 8:04 pm

Hermione remained silent memorizing the square "perfect" she said taking the metal box from her bag she walked over to sophie's bed and carefully spread out the portkey pills. Drawing her wand she performed the charm required to set a destination for the pills.

Satisfied she slid them back into the box. "Lets just hope everyone agrees to this plan. I think we are ready."
Hermione Potter
Hermione Potter
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Think of Consequences (Hermione) - Page 2 Empty Re: Think of Consequences (Hermione)

Post by Sophia Gaunt Mon Nov 27, 2017 8:16 pm

"I'm sure they will. If they have any common sense, why would they decline a safe place for them and their families with curseproof escape link," Sophia replied, observing the portkey pills. "Though I guess it will be quite fun to see us all getting along," she chuckled at the thought.
Sophia Gaunt
Sophia Gaunt
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Think of Consequences (Hermione) - Page 2 Empty Re: Think of Consequences (Hermione)

Post by Emrys Valkyrie Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:52 pm

Hermione snorted a laugh "i'll bring th fire whiskey. We may survive this meeting yet."
Emrys Valkyrie
Emrys Valkyrie
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